Monday I was called out by Joe (or as Philadelphians say, "Cho") for not trying to reschedule our dinner for some time. While I have thought about reaching out to Joe, I just hadn't taken the time. Good thing Joe called me out because we turned it around fast and met up last night for dinner at TGI Fridays. Well, the food could have been better - my sizzling Chicken and Shrimp kept sizzling until I went to sleep some 5 hours later and Joe's quesedillas apparently had some lasting effect on him until today, but the conversation could not have been better. Its always a good time to see Joe and catch up with him and last night was no exception. We kibutzed for a couple hours on a variety of topics including our trip toHawaii, the Grizwald (Ryder) Family trip to Chicago, USDA, DLA, the Lost season finale, HD TV's (shocker!), and even my new swimming routine. It was a great time and made me miss seeing Joe all the time on CP5 - 10. Hopefully Joe gets his own blog going soon so we can get a glimpse into his mind for a change. I will be sure to post a link to his site once it is available.
Today, my career counselor TJ took myself and some of his other counselees out to a Washington Nationals baseball game. It was a lot of fun to go to a game (TJ got great tickets), see and talk to TJ who I never see now, and to see my friend Nick who I used to work with on DLA. Nick gave me a lot of gossip and details of whats going on over there. Between last night and today, I feel like I never left.
Right now i'm watching Conan from the other night. I think it must have taped some Leno because Minnie Driver is on and singing. I think my ears are starting to bleed she's so bad. I don't think her voice is so bad but the song is terrible and I have no idea what she's even saying. That reminds me, the other night I heard a Mark Ronson original on Conan and it was pretty good. I'm going to have to look up some of his stuff.