The first weekend we spent in Colorado hanging out. We flew in on a Thursday and went directly to Colorado Springs. Friday we worked from the Springs and had a huge, delic lasagna dinner. Saturday we went up to the mountains which is one of my favorite spots in the lower 48. We went on a bike tour ride in Frisco and stayed in our current favorite town up there, Breckenridge. We had a great time but of course it wasn't long enough!
The next weekend we flew out to Los Angeles to visit Amanda's brother, Alex. We took a couple extra days off, which was nice. We stayed at the West St. Bonaventure which apparently is a pretty famous hotel where several famous movies were filmed, such as Rain Man, Ruthless People, True Lies and In the Line of Fire. If you saw In the Line of Fire, there is a scene at the end where the action is in elevators outside the building. Well, those elevators were the same at the hotel. We flew in Thursday and met up with Alex for dinner. We decided to get sushi and asked the concierge for a good sushi place. He recommended this place called R23. We get directions and roll in to this sketchy looking area of LA, like little China. As we walked up to the restaurant, however, there were bentley's, porsche's and ferrari's in the parking lot. I have been to LA before so I didn't think this was so odd. As we sat down at our table, I noticed a familiar face next to us. It was none other than Make 7 - Up Yours, I sell magazines and fake being a crack addict because I make more money than working in IT, ORLANDO JONES! Pretty crazy, Amanda took a picture of the chair he sat in.
Friday we met up with Alex after his classes and got a quick tour of the campus. It looked very nice as we saw some of the class buildings, the book store, the student center, and the building that holds all the heisman's and national shampionship. Pretty sweet, but of course not as much as a basketball championship like we have at Comcast Arena. We dropped Alex off and went shopping at a mall in Beverly hills. Alex had a soroirty formal Friday night so Amanda and headed to dinner at the chinese restaurant in the Westin. Saturday we had breakfast with Alex and then he had to go to a hockey game in San Jose (where he had 2 assists in a win). Amanda and I went down to Sand diego to go to the zoo and La Jolla. Both were great spots although they left us quite tuckered out. Unforunately, the camera battery died so we don't have any pictures to share from that, but San Diego is a beautiful spot! Sunday we got out and played golf, hitting up a course part of UCLA, in Pasadena. I hung a 76 on the dog track, but I will take it, since it was the first time out in awhile. Alex, did not fair as well, as I think Amanda came close to beating him :). Monday we flew out and it was back to work for another week.. Overall it was a great trip and we will be back there soon. Hopefully next time the bookstore will have better hats!
This past weekend we went up to NJ for little baby Portia's naming ceremoney. In Judaism, this is when the child is given their Hebrew name. The naming ceremony was pretty sweet. They discussed why she got named what she did, both her english and hebrew names, it was very touching. i read a poem Audrey Hephburn wrote. Afterwards i got to feed and burp portia, it was awesome. Definitely a great time as I love to see Portia and the rest of the NJ contingency. Next time we see them will hopefully be in the beginning of November and for Thanksgiving.
Well thats about the last couple weekends. I think I need a break from all the typing. I will post photos on the right once I get them. Thanks for checking in..