Sunday, February 3, 2008
WE'VE MOVED!!! Well, not really. We have just moved websites. You can now find us at Please see it and let us know what you think!!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Thursday, the 20th, we flew in to Denver to spend Xmas in Colorado with Amanda's family. I landed at about 12 am and Amanda picked me up from the airport. We drove down to Colorado Springs and I proposed in the driveway of her parents house.. and she said Yes! It's been a bit of a whirlwind, but hang in there and we'll get to everyone. Thanks for all the kind wishes and support. And now for a picture you've all been waiting for...

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thanksgiving w/Portialicious
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Since we last met
Since I last wrote it has been of a whirlwind tour. I have started working out in Kansas City again for USDA, and coincidentally, so has Amanda for a small little greeting card company whose name we shall not mention, but rhymes with Ballmark. It has been a fun time as Kansas City has some redeeming qualities about it. Where I stay, Country Club Plaza has plenty of nice restaurants and shopping. Amanda stays in the Westin, which you can't beat the heavenly bed. We have a heated battle going over who has the better accomodations.
I got to see my friend Joe again. We caught up for dinner in Crystal City, some of our old stomping ground. It's great to see Joe and hear his Griswald family stories. We also discussed movies and some of our problem show addictions.
We finally got to go a Maryland football game. It was Amanda's first and only Maryland game of the season, and she baked cookies for the occasion. They were of course delicious. Unfortunately, Clemson spanked us. The weekend after we met up with Brian, Nicole, Mike and Jen for dinner. That was a lot of fun as we had a nice Italian meal at That's Amore.
The next week we spent in Kansas City working away. It was nice that we got to see each other during the week. On November 8th we flew to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. From there, we drove through Alligator alley at midnight to Estero, Florida where my parents just bought a place. Its a beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath 1600 square ft condo right on Estero Golf Club between the par 5 7th and par 3 8th. Their lenai faces a pond which is the home to the adorable 5 foot alligator named Cheryl. Friday my dad and I played golf while Amanada ventured over to the outlets that are closer to the place than the grocery store. Friday night we went to dinner with the Newman's (Dory & Andrew, Joe & Marsha, Matt, Rebecca & baby Luke, and Bob & Dianne). It was a great dinner of steak, potatoes and spinach. YUMM! Saturday my dad, Joe and I played golf at Raptor Bay while Amanda did some more shopping and pool-sitting (there is a pool on their street). I played pretty well Saturday, going 43-38 for an 81. Saturday night my parents flew out, which was sad. Amanda and I had a chill night getting dinner and walking around some of the stores at Coconut point. Sunday we flew back to Kansas City and had yet another interesting experience with Air Tran airlines.
We spent another week in Kansas City before coming back to Maryland for a chill weekend. We spent most of the weekend hanging out and running errands. Saturday we had a nice dinner with Marta and Andy at Olezzo in Bethesda. After dinner they came back to our place and we had a couple more drinks and just hung out and talking for awhile.
Sunday we found out Mike and Jen got engaged and we couldn't be happier for them. They are some great people and its always great to see good things happen to great people.
Anyways, thats the last couple of weeks in a nutshell. Hope you enjoyed and see of the new links on the right.
I got to see my friend Joe again. We caught up for dinner in Crystal City, some of our old stomping ground. It's great to see Joe and hear his Griswald family stories. We also discussed movies and some of our problem show addictions.
We finally got to go a Maryland football game. It was Amanda's first and only Maryland game of the season, and she baked cookies for the occasion. They were of course delicious. Unfortunately, Clemson spanked us. The weekend after we met up with Brian, Nicole, Mike and Jen for dinner. That was a lot of fun as we had a nice Italian meal at That's Amore.
The next week we spent in Kansas City working away. It was nice that we got to see each other during the week. On November 8th we flew to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. From there, we drove through Alligator alley at midnight to Estero, Florida where my parents just bought a place. Its a beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath 1600 square ft condo right on Estero Golf Club between the par 5 7th and par 3 8th. Their lenai faces a pond which is the home to the adorable 5 foot alligator named Cheryl. Friday my dad and I played golf while Amanada ventured over to the outlets that are closer to the place than the grocery store. Friday night we went to dinner with the Newman's (Dory & Andrew, Joe & Marsha, Matt, Rebecca & baby Luke, and Bob & Dianne). It was a great dinner of steak, potatoes and spinach. YUMM! Saturday my dad, Joe and I played golf at Raptor Bay while Amanda did some more shopping and pool-sitting (there is a pool on their street). I played pretty well Saturday, going 43-38 for an 81. Saturday night my parents flew out, which was sad. Amanda and I had a chill night getting dinner and walking around some of the stores at Coconut point. Sunday we flew back to Kansas City and had yet another interesting experience with Air Tran airlines.
We spent another week in Kansas City before coming back to Maryland for a chill weekend. We spent most of the weekend hanging out and running errands. Saturday we had a nice dinner with Marta and Andy at Olezzo in Bethesda. After dinner they came back to our place and we had a couple more drinks and just hung out and talking for awhile.
Sunday we found out Mike and Jen got engaged and we couldn't be happier for them. They are some great people and its always great to see good things happen to great people.
Anyways, thats the last couple of weeks in a nutshell. Hope you enjoyed and see of the new links on the right.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Check out my new haircut!
Try the link on the right for my new haircut. Hilarious. I think I knew like a dozen guys like this in my high school. Hell, Schwimmer probably still drinks with donkeys like this, HA!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Homecoming Weekend
I spent this past week in Kansas City, kicking it at the Residence Inn. I flew back in Thursday and went to the SRA office Friday. A good friend of mine from my ABAP/DLA days, John, is now working on WBSCM so I got to catch up with him for happy hour.
Amanda was back home this weekend in Colorado where it snowed! At University of Maryland it was homecoming as the Terps took on Virginia. I made beef tips and Aaron made jello shots. It was a great time until the terps defense handed the game to UVA in the closing minute of regulation. Total dagger.
Sunday I played golf with Neil at Maryland National (basically my home course). Pretty cool there as some of the guys recognize me and know me by name. I didn't play particularly well as my short game was just terrible. I did have a couple good shots here and there and my driving was pretty solid. Neil played well, shooting a 47 on the back 9. Still a good time, just wish I could have played better.
Coming up this week, work continues to steamroll. I foresee some long days in my future...
Amanda was back home this weekend in Colorado where it snowed! At University of Maryland it was homecoming as the Terps took on Virginia. I made beef tips and Aaron made jello shots. It was a great time until the terps defense handed the game to UVA in the closing minute of regulation. Total dagger.
Sunday I played golf with Neil at Maryland National (basically my home course). Pretty cool there as some of the guys recognize me and know me by name. I didn't play particularly well as my short game was just terrible. I did have a couple good shots here and there and my driving was pretty solid. Neil played well, shooting a 47 on the back 9. Still a good time, just wish I could have played better.
Coming up this week, work continues to steamroll. I foresee some long days in my future...
Sunday, October 7, 2007
4 Weeks in a Nutshell
Well the last 4 weeks have been quite the whirlwind. Let me start with work. We have just entered the detailed design phase of the project and the real fun is about to begin. What does this mean? Well for one it means I will be going to Kansas City and DC a lot more. I have to be in front of the client a lot to get to know their business and how we are going to fit their business into their new software. What else does it mean? Well the nights could get later, and the diet worse, and worst of all, I could not have as much time to blog. But we'll see about that. Anyways, let me work backwards for the last three weekends..
The first weekend we spent in Colorado hanging out. We flew in on a Thursday and went directly to Colorado Springs. Friday we worked from the Springs and had a huge, delic lasagna dinner. Saturday we went up to the mountains which is one of my favorite spots in the lower 48. We went on a bike tour ride in Frisco and stayed in our current favorite town up there, Breckenridge. We had a great time but of course it wasn't long enough!
The next weekend we flew out to Los Angeles to visit Amanda's brother, Alex. We took a couple extra days off, which was nice. We stayed at the West St. Bonaventure which apparently is a pretty famous hotel where several famous movies were filmed, such as Rain Man, Ruthless People, True Lies and In the Line of Fire. If you saw In the Line of Fire, there is a scene at the end where the action is in elevators outside the building. Well, those elevators were the same at the hotel. We flew in Thursday and met up with Alex for dinner. We decided to get sushi and asked the concierge for a good sushi place. He recommended this place called R23. We get directions and roll in to this sketchy looking area of LA, like little China. As we walked up to the restaurant, however, there were bentley's, porsche's and ferrari's in the parking lot. I have been to LA before so I didn't think this was so odd. As we sat down at our table, I noticed a familiar face next to us. It was none other than Make 7 - Up Yours, I sell magazines and fake being a crack addict because I make more money than working in IT, ORLANDO JONES! Pretty crazy, Amanda took a picture of the chair he sat in.

Friday we met up with Alex after his classes and got a quick tour of the campus. It looked very nice as we saw some of the class buildings, the book store, the student center, and the building that holds all the heisman's and national shampionship. Pretty sweet, but of course not as much as a basketball championship like we have at Comcast Arena. We dropped Alex off and went shopping at a mall in Beverly hills. Alex had a soroirty formal Friday night so Amanda and headed to dinner at the chinese restaurant in the Westin. Saturday we had breakfast with Alex and then he had to go to a hockey game in San Jose (where he had 2 assists in a win). Amanda and I went down to Sand diego to go to the zoo and La Jolla. Both were great spots although they left us quite tuckered out. Unforunately, the camera battery died so we don't have any pictures to share from that, but San Diego is a beautiful spot! Sunday we got out and played golf, hitting up a course part of UCLA, in Pasadena. I hung a 76 on the dog track, but I will take it, since it was the first time out in awhile. Alex, did not fair as well, as I think Amanda came close to beating him :). Monday we flew out and it was back to work for another week.. Overall it was a great trip and we will be back there soon. Hopefully next time the bookstore will have better hats!
This past weekend we went up to NJ for little baby Portia's naming ceremoney. In Judaism, this is when the child is given their Hebrew name. The naming ceremony was pretty sweet. They discussed why she got named what she did, both her english and hebrew names, it was very touching. i read a poem Audrey Hephburn wrote. Afterwards i got to feed and burp portia, it was awesome. Definitely a great time as I love to see Portia and the rest of the NJ contingency. Next time we see them will hopefully be in the beginning of November and for Thanksgiving.
Well thats about the last couple weekends. I think I need a break from all the typing. I will post photos on the right once I get them. Thanks for checking in..
The first weekend we spent in Colorado hanging out. We flew in on a Thursday and went directly to Colorado Springs. Friday we worked from the Springs and had a huge, delic lasagna dinner. Saturday we went up to the mountains which is one of my favorite spots in the lower 48. We went on a bike tour ride in Frisco and stayed in our current favorite town up there, Breckenridge. We had a great time but of course it wasn't long enough!
The next weekend we flew out to Los Angeles to visit Amanda's brother, Alex. We took a couple extra days off, which was nice. We stayed at the West St. Bonaventure which apparently is a pretty famous hotel where several famous movies were filmed, such as Rain Man, Ruthless People, True Lies and In the Line of Fire. If you saw In the Line of Fire, there is a scene at the end where the action is in elevators outside the building. Well, those elevators were the same at the hotel. We flew in Thursday and met up with Alex for dinner. We decided to get sushi and asked the concierge for a good sushi place. He recommended this place called R23. We get directions and roll in to this sketchy looking area of LA, like little China. As we walked up to the restaurant, however, there were bentley's, porsche's and ferrari's in the parking lot. I have been to LA before so I didn't think this was so odd. As we sat down at our table, I noticed a familiar face next to us. It was none other than Make 7 - Up Yours, I sell magazines and fake being a crack addict because I make more money than working in IT, ORLANDO JONES! Pretty crazy, Amanda took a picture of the chair he sat in.
Friday we met up with Alex after his classes and got a quick tour of the campus. It looked very nice as we saw some of the class buildings, the book store, the student center, and the building that holds all the heisman's and national shampionship. Pretty sweet, but of course not as much as a basketball championship like we have at Comcast Arena. We dropped Alex off and went shopping at a mall in Beverly hills. Alex had a soroirty formal Friday night so Amanda and headed to dinner at the chinese restaurant in the Westin. Saturday we had breakfast with Alex and then he had to go to a hockey game in San Jose (where he had 2 assists in a win). Amanda and I went down to Sand diego to go to the zoo and La Jolla. Both were great spots although they left us quite tuckered out. Unforunately, the camera battery died so we don't have any pictures to share from that, but San Diego is a beautiful spot! Sunday we got out and played golf, hitting up a course part of UCLA, in Pasadena. I hung a 76 on the dog track, but I will take it, since it was the first time out in awhile. Alex, did not fair as well, as I think Amanda came close to beating him :). Monday we flew out and it was back to work for another week.. Overall it was a great trip and we will be back there soon. Hopefully next time the bookstore will have better hats!
This past weekend we went up to NJ for little baby Portia's naming ceremoney. In Judaism, this is when the child is given their Hebrew name. The naming ceremony was pretty sweet. They discussed why she got named what she did, both her english and hebrew names, it was very touching. i read a poem Audrey Hephburn wrote. Afterwards i got to feed and burp portia, it was awesome. Definitely a great time as I love to see Portia and the rest of the NJ contingency. Next time we see them will hopefully be in the beginning of November and for Thanksgiving.
Well thats about the last couple weekends. I think I need a break from all the typing. I will post photos on the right once I get them. Thanks for checking in..
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